Foreign Fiction About Korea

I don’t often get a chance to stick something in the two categories Korea and Lit, so I’m excited. Here’s a list of short fiction about Korea in English. It’s mainly by non-Koreans… and the list also includes a link to a similar page for novels in English about the Korean War. That’d make an interesting area for some Korean lit major in which to draft a doctoral thesis, I bet: foreign depictions of Korea through the lens of war.

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Cosmetics from executed Chinese, paper says – Yahoo! News

Heh, does your lip liner have collagen in it? What about your wrinkle treatment? Was it made in China? Because, heh, this article over on Yahoo! (also courtesy of my co-worker Leon) may interest you: Cosmetics from executed Chinese, paper says. Not to be too gross, but, uh, here’s a taste: The [Chinese cosmetics company’s] agents say some of the company’s products have been exported to the UK, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts is ‘traditional’ and nothing to ‘make such a big fuss about’… One more point against makeup. But why is it that this makes …

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