Clarion West 2007 Write-a-thon Wrap-up

I’ve fulfilled my write-a-thon goals! (Sort of.) “A Killing in Burma�?: 2,545 words Weekly Total: 15,924 words Write-a-thon Total: 95,164 words That’s right, I’ve drafted a minimum of  15,000 words per week, and beaten my overall minimum quota of 90,000 words in six weeks by 5,164 words and one full day. I did this despite one cold, one (slightly) partially collapse lung, a new and apparently persistent case of tinnitus, a smushed toe, and a brief case of what I think was food poisoning. If you’re impressed — come on, a partially collapsed lung? — go here and donate a …

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Write-a-thon (Today, Writhe-a-thon) Countdown Continues: Thursday Update

Writhe-a-thon… it was a typo, but an accurate one considering how I felt today. I seem to have been food poisoned on Wednesday night. Something’s been messing with my system, making me feel cold when it’s hot, hot when it’s cold, making me sleep most of the day, making me feel dizzy and weak, and, of all things, making me pee a lot. (And no, it’s not diabetes.) We have a theory that it was either the food I picked up on the way home last night — Lime had a hankering for something she used to have when whe …

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Write-a-thon, Week 6 Continued

I’ve decided to start a new post for each day of the four remaining days of the write-a-thon, because it’s only four days and because, hee, I’m excited. Today, especially, I have reason to be excited. I drafted one and a half scenes and I stopped at a scene break, thinking, “I know what happens next, maybe that’s a good time to stop, so I have something to start with tomorrow. (That’s what Vernor Vinge said he does, and it seems to have been working for me this week.) Anyway, I added up the words and got a nice little …

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Write-a-thon Week 6: An Early Start!

Well, to date I’ve been giving myself Sunday off for each week of the write-a-thon, and being sadly unproductive on Monday, at least during the last few weeks, but today, my mind was still deep into the question of geomantic warfare from where I left off last night, so I continued on today, and actually got to an ending I’m semi-confortable with… at least, it’s better than the ones I was working towards before today. “Geomantic warfare” makes it sound like a story full of exploding volcanoes and earthquakes, but that’s not what I ended up writing. In fact, I …

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Week 5 — Completed!

Well, that’s five weeks down and one more to go! As of dinnertime today (which was 9pm), my writing stats for the day were: “The Broken Path�?: 3600 words (by 9:00pm) Weekly Total: 13,664 words Write-a-thon Total: 77,761 words I added another chunk of writing to “The Broken Path,” in what seems to be my pattern for the story — draft ahead of where I know what is happening, until I’ve gone down the wrong plotline far enough to know where I need to go back to and fork off from there down a new plotline.  Anyway, todays stats are …

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