Looking Back on #dungeon23

There is a post that has sat unpublished in the queue on this blog for almost a year: the last installment I started on last year’s #dungeon23 experiment.  I got as far as July 8th before throwing in the towel. Why only till July 8th? Well, a couple of things:  July means summer class. I teach intensive writing courses in the summer and winter break, and the workload can be pretty full-on. I don’t perfectly remember, but I have to assume that was part of it.  I hit a wall, not of creativity so much as of the limitations of …

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#dungeon23 Days 110–152: Fantastique Fragment, Headwall Fragment, and Great Rift Megafragment

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series #dungeon23

Time for another #dungeon23 post.  For a while, I was updating this every time I completed a page, but it turns out that getting the time to do a post is harder than doing the scribbles once every day or two, so here’s an update that includes three fragments of the shattered hollow moon setting that I’ve been building in this exercise.  

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#dungeon23 Days 66-73: Some Little Fragments

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series #dungeon23

I spent my #dungeon23 time this past week detailing a trio of small, connected fragments of the broken moon. I like the challenge of designing interesting locales, one or two at a time, that are weird and unique enough to be interesting, malleable enough to work as SF or as science fantasy, and that fit together into a single milieu (albeit a kind of jigsaw setting). 

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