The other day, I added a few assorted RPG-related items over on my page. The first two are individual scenarios for Epidiah Ravachol’s game Dread, and the third is a set of playbooks for Jason Morningstar’s Fiasco (classic edition, which is available here, among other places). The first Dread scenario is titled “Saigon Ex-Frat Apocalypse.” I wrote it in 2013. “Saigon Ex-Frat Apocalypse” is a scenario for Epidiah Ravachol’s storygame Dread (available here). It’s about expat dirtbags living in a shared house in downtown Saigon who wake up the day after a ridiculous party only to discover that something has gone horribly …
Tag: game writing
So, You’ve Angered a Sea God…

So, I’m playtesting my contribution to the Deluge zine that is part of Knight Owl Games’ Aquatic Adventures Kickstarter, which you should totally check out. My contribution, “So, You’ve Angered a Sea God…” is inspired by The Odyssey, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and the story of the whale ship Essex (which inspired Moby Dick, though I haven’t read that). It includes a system for generating a minor deity who was somehow angered by someone in the crew—possibly an NPC sailor who messed up at the last port, or possibly the PCs when they ransacked the deity’s old, ruined …
“Beyond Mere Lotophagi” in Green Devil Face #6

So, I’ve been pretty busy lately—baby, work, game prep, life—but I figured I’d pop up in and mention that I just got my contributor’s copy of Green Devil Face #6, the recently restarted Lamentations of the Flame Princess zine. There’s a bunch of great stuff in it: a piece on diseases for the Early Modern historical setting by Andre Novoa (author of the recent “The Squid, the Cabal, and the Old Man” adventure), with globalization considered; a nasty monster designed by John G. McCollum; some tables for generating bizarro relics—and also, I think, a clever proof on how much objects illuminate worldbuilding—by Paul Keigh, who …