Website Update Ongoing

Update (8/10/2017): Yeah, that template? It went bye-bye within an hour, when the site slowed to a crawl. Ugh. I’ll find something else. As I say: things are gonna be a mess for a few days.  Original post: If you’re dropping by my webpage, you’ll probably notice it’s a bit of a mess. A bunch of things need modifying or fixing. I’m trying to get this done so that I can reduce the load put on my server, since I got a notice today that I’m once again overloading the shared server. While I’m trying to weed out some unnecessary …

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Again, With the Semi-Functional

UPDATE (25 Oct. 2013): Well, I seem to have sorted out 90% of my problems. It was email spammers who were causing my CPU minutes to be gobbled up like hotcakes at a lumberjack soirée, and modifying .htaccess to limit remote access to the login and comment systems cut off a lot of the unnecessary traffic. I’m out of the woods, but I’m going to spend a bit more time tightening up the way the ship runs… installing caches and disabling WordPress’s waste cronjob system on the other installations I have of WordPress on this site. (There are quite a …

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Semi-Functional For a Bit

UPDATE: I think I may have found the solution to my problem. We’ll see in a day or two, I guess… ORIGINAL POST: Not many visitors bother with my Tag Archive or Archives, but they might notice that other functionalities are reduced at the moment. I’m having problems with one or another plugin eating memory like there’s no tomorrow, and while I try to figure it out, I’ll have to leave a bunch of plugins switched off. So that explains why this site is only semi-functional for the moment. Apologies if this inconveniences anyone. For those searching for a series, …

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