I’m trying to find a new and better way to write up my trip. I wrote a blog post detailing the first leg of the journey — from Seoul to San Francisco, through Denver, Wyoming, Portland, and Seattle, until my departure to New York City. But I don’t think it’s very interesting, and I’m against posting boring crap online. There’s so much of it already, even on this blog. So it’s going to be a slower catchup, I think, as I work out how to say in an interesting way what these places and the people I saw in them …
Tag: NAtrip2009
At the Airport
Here I am at another airport, sitting in yet another coffee shop, waiting for yet another flight. It’s been a long summer and I haven’t posted much at all — haven’t had the time, though tons has been going on. Hope to be updating and logging some of my adventures soon, but for now, I have one more leg in what has turned out, in many ways, to be an all-out Odyssey. So, yes, as they so often say, more soon!
Travel and WorldCon Update
This is just a small update to note that I’m doing very well. Yes, I failed to win the Campbell Award, but I was happy to congratulate David Anthony Durham in person (and tease him about his, er, tiara). The WorldCon was a blast, and my trip leading up to it has also been. A BLAST. I’m off to Toronto tomorrow, and I’ll write more about the trip on the train assuming I’ll be able to get wifi enroute, which is what Via Rail claims. (Dangerous, since I have some other writing I need to get done!) So, more update …
Launch Pad Last Day
It’s the last day of Launch Pad, so I’m playing catch-up. This is not all the media that will be coming from it, just some of it. More will be coming, especially photographs. But for now, here are some videos shot by novelist and videographer Stacey Cochran. The first one is before the cut, and a bunch more are in the extended post: [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/eF3QE6YEeXc” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]
Launch Pad Vids

Having a great time here at the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop in Laramie, Wyoming. Wish you were here? Well, some of the lectures are being posted online. Here are a couple of yesterday’s, courtesy of Stacey Cochran: [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/rfKmfWYwzLo” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/jD0g0vbX3VE” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] And here are some useful links to useful resources, including the slides for a number of Mike Brotherton’s lectures.