The Session That Changed Everything (#RPGaDay, Day 13)

August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Describe a game experience that changed how you play.  Um, they all have? I mean, not all, but I learn a lot from every campaign or one-shot I run.  But I think the session that changed how I play the most was back in late 2012, when I was returning to the hobby. It was a session of Fiasco. I wrote up the session at the time, and you can see it here. As for how it’s affected the way I play …

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TEFL RPGing Aplenty

So, a while back I posted about using an D&D-like role-playing game as part of my teaching with one of our students. (See: Youngmin and the Magic World.) I recounted the story, and promised an update, but I haven’t followed through… Not for want of RPG action, of course. Youngmin has since rhyme-battled a forest ogre the size of a high-rise, teamed up with a goblin and a dragon to beat his nemesis, then teamed up with a mysterious capoerista girl (yes, capoeira has made its way into the game) and the goblin village’s witch to take on the dragon …

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Lesson Plan: The Caper!

Back when I first came to Korea, there was a lesson I created on the spur of the moment, after observing how little security there seemed to be on the little minivans that drove around in Iksan putting money into bank machines. (I had such fun talking over strategies for robbing one of these vans with a group of expats that I thought I’d see how my students fared.) Over the years, the exercise has shifted and changed slightly. Finally, this past year, after a brush with Jason Morningstar’s wonderful Fiasco RPG, I expanded it a little to include an …

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