Office Annoyances

This week Laura asks the Friday Fivers: Sharing an office with one or more people can be a bit of a strain sometimes. Humour me, name five annoying habits of co-workers you’ve had to put up with. Or are YOU the one who chews with his mouth open or types aloud? No fair, Laura. I need to be careful because at least half of the people I work with know about this webpage and could (and probably would) take offense if I said something nasty about someone… and just enough people check it that it would happen if I was …

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Busy busy busy

I thought I’d get a chance to finish reading these stories sent to me by a fine SF writer who, because she’s Korean American, I thought might be of interest over here and decided to interview. But two things had to get done first: one, I had to respond to Marvin’s thoughts over at New Sophists’ Almanac, and two, I’m reading a friend’s manuscript so I can offer her some comments on her new novel draft. Oh, and three, we’ve had test week and I’ve decided to revamp my approach to one or two books. But after that, I’m going …

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