Worst Music Ever

Last week’s Friday Five was once again mine. One of my fondest memories from high school was going over to the home of this idiot we knew named Chris. We used to go to his house, which was on an acreage outside of the city, mostly to poke fun at him, do nasty things to his house while his mother wasn’t home, and watch the stars flat on our backs on his driveway. Chris lived with his mother and between them they shared the most godawful music collection that I’ve ever had the misfortune of looking at. I’m talking Milli …

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Movable Type Blues

I don’t know what’s causing it, but my installation of Movable Type is behaving somewhat strangely. I can’t figure out exactly why, but I’m wondering if installing the new, upgraded version will help. While I do want to port over to WordPress, I’m scared about the learning curve and figure that for now, it’d be easier to readjust my MT installation, work on WordPress for another site I’m building, and once I am more comfortable, make the shift over to WordPress quickly and cleanly. But if this site goes silent for a few days, and then disappears, worry not. It …

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New Semester

This is my participation semester. I’ve only made one important change to my classes, and that is basing 40% of students’ grades on participation and homework. Otherwise, my syllabus is basically the same. I will, however, be doing up a sheet that I can hand out next week, if I can enlist some help. It’s a list of things students are expected to do if they really want to learn English. I’m working hard to keep my motivation up, to try to be idealistic and realistic about these kids. In my first class most kids seemed okay, but in the …

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Comments, Argh!

Seems something’s wrong with the comments system. Maybe it’s time to port over to wordpress, next week. But I’m running out to Seoul for the day to take in a Bulgasari show with a friend. So anyway, please don’t be distressed if your comments don’t show up right away. I’ll have to rebuild for you to see them, I think. Argh!

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Ze Last Show

Well, last night the band had their last show. What can I say? First of all, hearing them again after almost a year was very interesting; I haven’t managed to go to any of their shows since I left the band, and hearing what they’d been doing since then was quite interesting. The guitarist they brought into the fold, Hyo Sang, did some really good, interesting things, and their songs sounded, I don’t know, a little more natural. None of that scraping to find a place for a sax to fit in. Anyway, I bought a copy of their EP …

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