“Daughters…” !!!

UPDATE (9 April 2013): A quick update, since I stumbled upon this post while trying to clean up the site database. This book never got published, unfortunately… apparently there was no market for a children’s book preaching that girl children are not a disappointment.

Which is probably a good thing, but it makes me sad because the book was really a good, sweet, gentle one, and I was proud to have helped translate it.

ORIGINAL POST: Well, today, while I was headed to the post office to mail back some some student assignments, I stopped by the main office to print some letters to include in the homework packages.

Daughters Are So Wonderful cover scan One of the surprises awaiting me was a stack of advance promo copies of the book I helped to translate, “Daughters Are So Wonderful.” By stack, I mean a big, heavy stack of copies, meaning those who already asked for copies will be getting on in the mail sometime in the next month or two. (And a few others might get a surprise, too…)

The book has turned out just as lovely as I imagined, and I’m quite pleased to have been involved… even better, to have my name on the cover, and a bio in the back! In any case, it’s not yet on the market, but I’ll certainly post about it once it ends up on amazon.com.

Now, back to trying to get my own stories in print…


  1. The picture on the cover reminds me of my own daughter, Joy. I agree, daughters are indeed wonderful. Where can one get a copy?

  2. EFL Geek says:

    Congrats buddy.

  3. Splinister says:

    Awesome news Gord! Wheeeeeeeee!

  4. Caroline says:

    Ditto Maura, very awesome news! Congrats :)

  5. Stephanie says:

    As the homey Darth would say…”Impressive. Most impressive.”


  6. Julia says:


    (And if you go to my LJ userpics, imagine the “happycat” one, because I’d use it if this were on LJ. No, I don’t comment on feed post on LJ.)

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