
Yeah, I know, there’s some weirdness on my site. I updated to WordPress 2.1 and some of my plugins are acting a little kooky. But it’ll take a day or two to get everything back to (ab)normal. Please bear with me till then.


UPDATE: Never mind, it was a plugin conflict and I fixed it up pretty quickly. But expect some changes in the look and feel of this blog, to reflect my commitment to posting less. And expect some more-accessible archives, to make wha I happen to write when I fail at that resolution more available to readers.

UPDATE 2: Nope, I didn’t fix it all. Some kind of bad effect from one of my plugins seems to still be in effect, but I’m leaving it on so that the person who wrote the plugin might be able to figure out why. So, apologies for the interruption, for the moment. Don’t stop commenting: they’ll be visible soon, and anyway, I appreciate your thoughts.


  1. Charles says:

    Hmm… I wonder if we can still post comments.

    I just can’t help laughing at the error message I’m seeing below your posts: “MySQL server has gone away.”

    It’s like the MySQL server got pissed off and, screw everybody–he’s going down to the bar to get wasted.

  2. gordsellar says:

    Yeah, it’s a bit like finding my MySQL server having left a “GONE FISHIN” sign on the site and abandoned it. Hell of a bad babysitter.

    I’ve deactivated the Post-Levels function, for now, as the plugin seems to be buggy for others as well. We’ll see whether it gets sorted out, or whether I’ll have to go back to an open blog system.

  3. Julia says:

    Hm. Now that I’ve read that, I can’t resist testing the comment function. :)

  4. Julia says:

    OK, that comment worked. I’ll refrain from meta-meta commenting, or I’ll be here all day and Gord may be annoyed when he comes back.

    (Besides, I can’t meta-meta-meta-…-meta-comment all day, I have to leave here around 2 to go to a party. A tea party. A Viking & Barbarian tea party.)

  5. Julia says:

    BTW, the tea party was a lot of fun. A lot of other people whacking at each other with padded sticks and a fine variety of tea and cookies.

    (And I had one of these as an accessory, draped around my neck. It was great!)

  6. gordsellar says:

    ??? Certainly fits with the title of the post! Where was this freaky tea party?

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