Vientiane afternoon

It’s a quiet afternoon in Vientiane. I got an air ticket to Luang Prabang, because taking the bus for 11 hours doesn’t appeal. I would upload a photo, but I forgot to install LightZone and the few I’ve taken so far are all in RAW format. Silly me. The thing about traveling with a new PC is you find out there’s software you installed besides the OS, and use occasionally, but forgot to install before leaving. Anyway, in its place, here’s a slice of cheesecake I made for Christmas, and which happened to be on my the flash card in my camera.


Sorry it’s so slow to load, but I haven’t edited it down to size. Will do soon, when I have time to download more software and so on. More pictures and updates later… I have a flight in a few hours, but my internet connection is liable to expire any moment now.

By the way, it’s very warm, but not quite HOT. Nice weather, in other words. Do you envy me?


  1. kangmi says:

    A little too much, actually.

  2. Charles says:

    I am stabbing a voodoo doll of you with tiny little pins. Can you feel it?

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