Got my first writing cheque of the year. And it’s a good one! And a contract, from the same publisher. (Asimov’s.) And that other project I might be working on? We’re in. Today is a good day!
Month: March 2008
The Gnaw
What gnaws at me these days is a sense that I haven’t got enough of my stories out to markets. I have four stories coming out in major places, probably most of them this year, but you know, there’s always next year’s publications to get started on. It’s amazing how, when you develop the habit, even a slight lull in submitting work begins to nag at you. You start checking your tracker stats, counting up how much stuff you’ve got out at markets, and asking yourself why you haven’t sent out more. Or, at least I do. Still, this is …
Apparent Slight Progress (Actually Major Progress, Sort Of)
Sometimes, progress in drafting a story isn’t immediately visible by wordcount changes.
Jetse’s Challenge
Well, I’ve finalized a few writing projects. “Wonjjang and the Madman of Pyongyang” is completed, done, finished (the text handed in the other day) and I have pretty much tidied and prepared a few more stories for sending out (some minor editing was necessary on them all: “The Broken Pathway”, “Solvjaynghi’s Christmas Wish”, and the piece I sent to Nemonymous for the Cone Zero anthology. Today, I whipped off a little Biblical End Times zombie piece for Bits of the Dead, which the lovely and talented Tristan (Facebook profile again, as that’s all he’s got!) pointed out today — though …
Extra D’oh…
I slept 2 hours on Wednesday night. It’s not that I’m that busy, mind you. I was supposed to sleep four. I just lay down and couldn’t sleep until 6:00am, and I had a class at 8:00am. But I am that busy, that I could only fit in four hours. Partly, I suspect, I just take my classes too seriously, and partly, I try not to let me job get too much in the way of my writing. Except, of course, that this would lead to letting my health get in the way of my writing, so I am cutting …