That’s a working title, but there it is. I’m hurling myself over the gate in the Write-a-thon, here. That is, I’m working on “Fovea” with one collaboratron, and another story (with lycanthropic gangsters, with another collaboratron whose identity is now probably obvious to half my readers).
For my third trick, the one on which I put in a thousand words today, I’m pulling together a triptych of ghost stories — somewhat linked, sort of, but also separated by time — set on mountains in Korea. Perhaps all set on Wonmi mountain, because Yang Kwi-Ja has me inspired, and because I want to link them up nice and messily — but perhaps not, since I really, really want to write this 지리산 빨갱이 (Jirisan Commies) ghost story that’s been floating around in my head since I drafted a novel set in Korea (about a dead white guy trapped here, and no, it’s not finished, it needs a major overhaul). When I get it done, I’ll be submitting it to this anthology.
Anyway, that’s that. I’m also working on an article, and chugging away at my research on the SF genre in Korea. I’ll post more when I have more to say about that, except to say that when you want to know about SF in Korea, it seems to help if you know a bit about SF in Japan. I’m reading an anthology of Japanese SF in translation — no, not the Kurodahan one, that’s next, but rather The Best Japanese Science Fiction Stories, edited by John L. Apostolou and Martin H. Greenberg, which came out in 1997 — and it’s a ridiculously entertaining read. The translation seems a little, er, gangly sometimes, but the stories come across nicely, and I’m getting a feel for the authors and themes.