No time to post anything too significant today, or for the next couple of days.
Oh yeah: this is late notice, y’all, but…
Hwang Shin Hae Band is playing tonight. No idea if there are tickets available but I’ll be there a few hours early, trying to get one! Show’s at 8, and here’s a map to the venue — the Sang Sang Madang live hall…
So anyway — my content free post of…
Shiny Links!
Some stories by people you should know about:
- Tina Connolly’s “Hard Choices” at Brain Harvest (or play the game, made by Kaolin Fire, here)
- Caroline Yaochim’s “Tending the Mori Birds” at Fantasy Magazine
- Maura McHugh’s “The Diet” is available in this issue of Arkham Tales, free for download
- David Simons’ “Second String” at IGMS (but you gotta pay)
- T.F. Davenport’s “Penance” in the Futures column of Nature
Other neat stuff:
- The Snail on the Slope — a Youtube video that feels like a trip into the mind of Stanislaw Lem, sorta. Blogged by Bruce Sterling…
- The Soulless Victorian Dress-Up Doll… reminds me of what Maureen told me about Victorian laundry handling. Nightmarish…
- I’m trying to teach myself to play some basic guitar chords. This is handy, for a start…
- It’s amusing to see that when he can get his mind off pornography, this random Christian guy thinks sex with robots is bad… but he is much less pessimistic about its effect on humanity’s prospects for survival than the atheistic, scientistic, irreverent Charlie Stross, who (if my positronic brain isn’t malfunctioning) quipped somewhere about his novel Saturn’s Children that sex with robots contributed to the extinction of humanity…
- Aussie dust insanity. Now imagine a future clogged with days like this. Still don’t care about climate change?
For Writers:
- Have spacesuit? Will travel for research? Gulliver Travel Grant fast approaching!
Music Stuff
- Another Goddamn Music Blog — reviews and links for free online music
- k-indie: a neat livejournal community for getting the skinny and samples on new indie in Korea, especially useful if you’re not in-country
- The Far Eastern Audio Review. Just what the name suggests.
Korean Media Sugardump:
Yes, this video is utterly syrupy sweet. If you’re inclined to complain about such things (or cutesy amateur spoofmitations) don’t watch it.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
If you daren’t risk that, than here’s some 장기하 와 얼굴들 singin’ his Cheap Coffee song, which was a huge thing last semester:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
There was a reference to sex with robots (almost) making humankind extinct in a Futurama episode (early 2000s). You can probably find an earlier reference though, if you try hard enough.
Yeah, I’m not surprised it was suggested in a comedic mode earlier on. Stross seems to have been joking too, but in that, sort of not really joking way at the same time…
… but then again, maybe that can be said of its usage in Futurama too. Huh. I should probably check out that show.
You definitely should check out Futurama. I consider it second funniest SF work ever (next to Robert Sheckley’s stories). At the risk of blasphemy, I consider it funnier than “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.”
Wow, that’s pretty high praise! (I’ve only ever really read the first volume of the HHGG books but liked it.) Actually, come to think of it, I’ve only read one book by Sheckley — Journey of Joenes. Like it a lot, though! Another gaping hole in my SF background.
Ha, by the way, review of a very amusing SF-inspired Korean indie album coming soon. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow…