I have an insane day ahead of me:
- last minute desperate students will be seeking advising throughout my afternoon break, since tomorrow’s the deadline for second applications for their Grad Presentation Proposal;
- I will be lucky if I fit lunch in fitting lunch in no matter what, but it will be a trial;
- midterm exam in my Public Speaking class tonight, in a room I’ll bet will not be properly heated for the event (because normally there’s no class there, and it’s in an older building)
And I’m going to the office a half hour early, because… yep, someone “needs advising” and “can’t make it at the time I’ve set aside.” Why can’t I just learn to say no?
Ah well. So… all you get today is a few links:
- 50 billion fewer spam a day worldwide following the arrest of “spam kingpin” Igor A. Gusev. If only they would let the punishment fit the crime, and his vast profits could be sent, a tiny bit at a time, to everyone on the Internet. (And off the Net, for that matter.)
- Science Scorned: “There is a growing anti-science streak on the American right that could have tangible societal and political impacts on many fronts — including regulation of environmental and other issues and stem-cell research.” No kidding.
- Korean media watch: the site is rarely updated, but covers the usual issues you might wish to get angry about, if you’re non-Korean and living here. Others, move right along.
- School Strips Homecoming King Title From Transgender Teen. And then the kids who voted the (technically registered as a female student) teen as homecoming king proceed to kick the school’s ass in public. Shame the asshole adults, kids. You’re doing us proud. Meanwhile…
- Cardinal George urges Catholics and Mormons to defend religious freedom. Old link, but… you know, when you’re banding together with the Church of Mormon, that’s a sign that you’re probably in territory best, well… abandoned. By the way, religious freedom also includes the freedom not to have a religion, or not to have theocratic idiots cram their religious ideas into your laws (or otherwise down your collective throat).
- Going on a trip? Wanna see if your booked lodgings have a history of problems with bedbugs? Check The Bed Bug Registry.
More to talk about, but that’s it for now!