It’s been a tense time lately here in South Korea, but one bright spot recently was how delighted I found myself when I received contributor copies for the current issue of China’s SF World (the 03.2017 issue). A Chinese translation of my December 2016 Analog story “Prodigal” was published in this issue, and it was wonderful to get a look at it firsthand.
It’s an attractive journal-sized magazine with a very colorful, striking cover:
It reminded me a little of Science Fiction Age, the 90s SF magazine that I think was really the first such magazine I read regularly.1 I really found myself wishing I could read all the other material in the issue—stories and articles!
It was especially nice to see illustrations—not just for my story, but for others as well, though I’m only including here the cool illustrations of my own story. (I cannot replicate the artist’s name, unfortunately… or the translator’s, for that matter!)
These images got me missing the old days when all the American SF magazines included black-and-white interior illustrations for stories (since most no longer do, with the exception of Analog). It’s nice to see the practice continuing somewhere, and these illustrations were fun to see.
Anyway, I’m very flattered and excited to have my work appear in Chinese translation, and hope Science Fiction World‘s readers enjoy it.
More news on the translation front coming soon, too…
I really loved it. I can’t be the only one, but I rarely see it get mentioned… though I guess nobody talks about Galaxy anymore these days, either. But I do still miss it.↩
I know this article was published a few years back but just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Prodigal. I read it about a year ago but it has really stayed with me, as all good stories should.
Every time I look at my own little dog and wonder what he is trying to tell me, I think if your story and say to myself ‘be careful what you wish for’….
Thank you for this sad, thought-provoking and prescient little tale.
Hi Russ,
Wow, thanks for writing this! I always love to hear about people’s experiences with my stories, and I’m glad you enjoyed it and that it’s still stayed with you so long. It means a lot to me that you reached out and let me know.
Take care!