Now In Print…

The past week or so has been good on the writing front, or at least in the publishing front. I finally received my copy of Volume 2 of The Best Science Fiction of the Year, edited by Neil Clarke: What a handsome cover! My contributor copy apparently was sitting in the department office, and nobody told me. I happened to stop by and discovered it by chance… and who knows how long it’d been there? (I check my mailbox there, but this was a package so it didn’t fit the cubby and was sitting on a shelf below, where I’ll admit I never look.) Want a …

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Prodigal in SF World

It’s been a tense time lately here in South Korea, but one bright spot recently was how delighted I found myself when I received contributor copies for the current issue of China’s SF World (the 03.2017 issue). A Chinese translation of my December 2016 Analog story “Prodigal” was published in this issue, and it was wonderful to get a look at it firsthand. It’s an attractive journal-sized magazine with a very colorful, striking cover: It reminded me a little of Science Fiction Age, the 90s SF magazine that I think was really the first such magazine I read regularly. I really found myself wishing I could read all the other material in the …

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In Other News…

It’s been such a busy time I haven’t updated much, but a lot has been going on, and not all of it relates to poo, diapers, 3:00am feedings, and baby wipes… There’s been some movement on several fronts, in fact: fiction writing & publication, RPG/game writing, and a workshop I attended just before Noeul was born. Publication News: Back in late September I got my copy of Cthulhu Fhtagn!, which contains my story “The Return of Sarnath” alongside new, original works by a number of Lovecraftian notables, as well as some authors new to me. Here’s the copy I got in …

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