I have some fiction-related stuff coming soon, but this is another RPG-related post, specifically a book review.
Tag: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Frankensteining Games (#RPGaDay 2017, Day 15)
August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most? For me, the answer’s easy: it’s D&D. Now, when I say D&D you should bear in mind that the only D&D-type ruleset I have on hand right now is Lamentations of the Flame Princess. (I have a ton of AD&D 1st and 2nd edition stuff back in Canada, but in Korea, despite having about five feet of shelf space devoted to RPG books, the only D&D-type books I have fit into a single shelf.) …
In Other News…
It’s been such a busy time I haven’t updated much, but a lot has been going on, and not all of it relates to poo, diapers, 3:00am feedings, and baby wipes… There’s been some movement on several fronts, in fact: fiction writing & publication, RPG/game writing, and a workshop I attended just before Noeul was born. Publication News: Back in late September I got my copy of Cthulhu Fhtagn!, which contains my story “The Return of Sarnath” alongside new, original works by a number of Lovecraftian notables, as well as some authors new to me. Here’s the copy I got in …