Koryo Hall of Adventures OSR Conversions Document Published!

I just thought I’d drop a note mentioning that my OSR Conversions Document for the Koryo Hall of Adventures book has been published.  For those who don’t know, Aurélien Lainé (another expat in Korea) published a 5E-compatible setting book based on Korean history and mythology. It was a crowdfunded project, and was published this year as The Koryo Hall of Adventures. (The book is now available from the publisher’s website.) By the way, on the publisher’s website I’ve been posting a series of posts titled “Appendix K” on different Korean media—music, books, movies, and TV shows—that could be inspirational for …

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RPG Quick Shots

This post contains some thoughts on a few shorter RPG books I’ve read lately: The Derelict: A Tale of Terror for Call of Cthulhu by Sandy Peterson Beasties: A Manual of New Monsters for Your Original Edition Game by Thomas Denmark Caves of Shadow by Monte Cook Fate Accelerated  by Clark Valentine with Leonard Balsera, Fred Hicks, Mike Olson, and Amanda Valentine If that doesn’t appeal, this may be a post to skip. 

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Frankensteining Games (#RPGaDay 2017, Day 15)

August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most? For me, the answer’s easy: it’s D&D. Now, when I say D&D you should bear in mind that the only D&D-type ruleset I have on hand right now is Lamentations of the Flame Princess. (I have a ton of AD&D 1st and 2nd edition stuff back in Canada, but in Korea, despite having about five feet of shelf space devoted to RPG books, the only D&D-type books I have fit into a single shelf.) …

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Back from the Grave (#RPGaDay 2017, Day 11)

August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Which ‘dead game’ would you like to see reborn? This is an interesting question, and, for me, an odd one. I’ll try provide some answers I think are helpful for thinking about this. 

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Two Great Tastes… Wait, Three Great… Er, Four?

Before I left on holiday, I was reading through Geoffrey McKinney’s Carcosa and wondering what in the world I would do with it if I were running the game with my own group. It’s a dark, bizarre, fascinating mashup of odd subgenres. Carcosa squashes together: Sword & Planet adventure (think Barsoom, say) The Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos a dash of gonzo neo-Lost World (in the form of mutant dinosaurs) the classic grey alien and alien tech … and those are just the mos prominent components. There’s also funky dice mechanics, a boiled-down-to-usability version of psionics, an alternate (and very creepy) magic system, and more. Which …

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