In Other News…

It’s been such a busy time I haven’t updated much, but a lot has been going on, and not all of it relates to poo, diapers, 3:00am feedings, and baby wipes… There’s been some movement on several fronts, in fact: fiction writing & publication, RPG/game writing, and a workshop I attended just before Noeul was born. Publication News: Back in late September I got my copy of Cthulhu Fhtagn!, which contains my story “The Return of Sarnath” alongside new, original works by a number of Lovecraftian notables, as well as some authors new to me. Here’s the copy I got in …

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Brutal Rice Films—Out and Coming Soon!

This entry is part 15 of 15 in the series Making "The Music of Jo Hyeja"

I’ve mentioned this on Facebook and Twitter, but my wife has been releasing the films she’s made so far on Youtube, every ten days in July. They’re Korean-language films, but with English (and sometimes other) subtitles. On July 10th, she posted her award-winning debut short “The Music of Jo Hyeja”, which regular readers will know is our Korean modernization of Lovecraft’s classic story “The Music of Erich Zann”: On the 20th, she posted her second film, another award-winner; this time, it’s a Korean zombie apocalypse, “Environmental Pressures & Species Adaptation”: There’s one more film coming: the long-awaited “Daerijeon: The Proxy War”, based on the …

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Charles on the Cthulhu Festival of Film, and What We’re Working On

I’m in the home stretch of the screenplay I’m trying to wrap up today–a project that anyway I’m not really supposed to be talking about for now, though hopefully at some point I can because it’s interesting, and relevant, and Lovecraftian, and set in Korea–but in any case, since I am busy and can’t discuss it anyway, here’s something else: My friend Charles attended the recent Cthulhu Festival of Film in Seoul a couple of months ago (at the end of February), and soon after posted his thoughts about the films and the event in general. I haven’t been able to …

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In Sydney? Watch Our Movie!

For those readers in Sydney, the Australian premiere of “The Music of Jo Hyeja” is at Syndney’s genre film festival, Fantastic Planet. It screens at 3pm on the 14th of April, as part of the H.P. Lovecraft vs. Stephen King shorts program. They even used a still shot from “Jo Hyeja” for the webpage for that session of the festival! (Get your tickets here.) Wish we could be there… but we’re working on other projects down here in Saigon!

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Big News!

I apologize for the lack of activity here. I have a lot going on, between working on several writing projects (fiction and scripts alike) and trying to get some stuff done around the house. In the process, I’ve let the Blogging Ezra Pound’s Cantos project slide a bit, though I do have a post about a couple of Cantos that is almost ready to post. But in the meantime, I’ll say a bit about the busy weekend. The biggest news is that over the weekend, “The Music of Jo Hyeja” got its World Premiere at the Los Angeles H.P. Lovecraft …

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