“Focus” in Neil Clarke’s Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 3

So, Neil Clarke recently published the table of contents of the Best Science Fiction of the Year, Volume 3, collecting his picks for the best stories of 2017. To my immense happiness, my short story “Focus,” which was originally published in Analog, will be included in the volume… and in very good company. It’s not just an honor to have my work appear in a Year’s Best collection by such a discerning editor, but to have it appear alongside work by some of the best authors around today—and some authors whose work I was reading back when I started writing …

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Now In Print…

The past week or so has been good on the writing front, or at least in the publishing front. I finally received my copy of Volume 2 of The Best Science Fiction of the Year, edited by Neil Clarke: What a handsome cover! My contributor copy apparently was sitting in the department office, and nobody told me. I happened to stop by and discovered it by chance… and who knows how long it’d been there? (I check my mailbox there, but this was a package so it didn’t fit the cubby and was sitting on a shelf below, where I’ll admit I never look.) Want a …

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