Duskvol in Newsprint, Redux—And a Bit About My Process

A while back, I shared some of the newsprint projects I’ve created for the Blades in the Dark game I play in. Since then, I’ve been saving up more, and I think it’s about time to share. However, our GM, Jeremy Tolbert, suggested I write a little more about my process for this stuff, so I figured I’d dig into that. 

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#dungeon23 Days 110–152: Fantastique Fragment, Headwall Fragment, and Great Rift Megafragment

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series #dungeon23

Time for another #dungeon23 post.  For a while, I was updating this every time I completed a page, but it turns out that getting the time to do a post is harder than doing the scribbles once every day or two, so here’s an update that includes three fragments of the shattered hollow moon setting that I’ve been building in this exercise.  

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