
By the way, I had a strange conversation with a middle-schooler student who, when he was informed (by me) that Dunkin’ Donuts is an American brand, retorted by insisting that Dunkin’ Donuts is an “Honour Brand”. I have no idea what that means. But we did, as a group, manage to correlate the increase in Korean waist sizes with the incursion of foreign food in their diets… though the kids in the class continued to insist that they like Dunkin’ Donuts’ donuts because they are “delicious”…

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Getting Medical Attention in Korea (& A Movie Review)

Well, where to start? I have an ear infection, so swimming is out for a couple of weeks. The hospital experience here is a bit unusual. Thankfully I was helped by a friend of mine who is interning at the hospital but it was still a little weird. The doctor looked into one ear, and then the other, and said to himself when inspecting my (troublesome) left ear… “Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-HO!” It wasn’t all that reassuring. Then he pulled up a standardized presciption listing on his computer and sent it down to the main prescriptions desk of the hospital. I would hesitate …

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My Bio

I was born on March 4, 1974 in Blantyre, Malawi to Ghislaine Pineault, a French-Canadian, and Gordon Kinlay Sellar. To avoid confusion, my parents gave me the middle name Alexander, but kept the rest the same as my father at his father’s insistence. That makes me the 3rd Gordon in a row. But I much prefer to be called Gord. It’s also a lot easier for Koreans to pronounce (as “Go-duh”), which is helpful to me these days.

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