In other words, Happy Korean New Year! (And yeah, they got it from the Chinese. Whatever.) Me, I’m stuffed with rice cake and dumpling soup, and am now having having a nice Leffe Blond, which brings back memories of Montréal. (Not my favorite beer, now, as it was then, but then, it was my first beer, followed by Sleeman’s Honey Brown Lager, Guinness, Harp, and whatever else I could afford. It took till my second year in Montreal to arrive at beer; the first year was taken up with red wine. Which is to segue gracelessly to the fact that …
Tag: announcements
The ongoing slowdown
Right. You probably have noticed my posting rate has slowed down some. I intend to keep that slowdown in effect, even though I’m back from my travels. I have far too many things to do to keep blogging as extensively as I had been doing earlier in the year. Most important now is getting my writing submitted to magazines and my novel edited and into the hands of an able, appropriate agent. And then there’s all the exercise I’ll need to do to get my health back up to where it was a year and a half ago. Plus, with …
a big design contest, guys…
Hey, Metropolis magazine is holding a big design contest with a big big prize. Worth a shot, maybe? You tell me, all you would be designer-entrepreneurs out there…