Say what you want about his philosophyI agree with some of it, and have serious reservations about other parts of itbut Peter Singer, along with Renata Singer (whom I assume to be his wife, as a guess) hit a couple of nails on the head in this article called Rootless, Voteless but Happily Floating.
Month: January 2005
I won something!
It’s the first time since that 7-pound chocolate bar in 7th grade fundraiser lotto that I won for selling one packet of chocolates to my parents, even though Brett Paddock sold 14 of the damned cases of things and only won a calculator, because it was my one measly ticket that was drawn for the big prize, and his 14 only came out to one calculator. Well, this time it’s a lot better for me, what I’ve won! It’s was for this post which I entered in a competition. Cool! Thank you, Koreanblog! Now, off for that walk…
Like and Unlike The Yangban
Well, just like Flying Yangban, I can’t load my page from home. Unlike the Yangban, I haven’t exceeded my server load. Whoops, wait, he’s back up now. Whew. That’s good. But I still wonder why my own page won’t load at my house. So, anyway, everyone, if you email me and I don’t respond quickly, don’t be surprised… I check my mail from my web page’s server, too. Yes, I am posting this from a PC-Bang, because I was waiting for an important email (which hasn’t come, but ah well, at least my site is still online and the email …
Korean War Quicktime Map
I’m doing a little more research for my ghost story, and quickly coming to the conclusion there’s almost no good place to set the story… I can’t seem to find information on any particular locale where UN Troops wouldn’t have been stationed or died. I think I’ll just have to go with some kind of explanation that, “There were some who died here, they just didn’t survive as ghosts in this particular town.” Anyway, during my researches I came across this animated Quicktime map that shows different front lines and areas of occupation during 27 different stages of the Korean …
I don’t know who aggysorous is, but I found this on a Technorati trawl and on this relatively new blog you can find an amazing number of links to good stuff. See here.