
This is one thing I think we miss. We miss, meaning we as a society long for it, we wish we still had it around. Or, at least, we think that we do. Or, at least, some os us think that we do. Not that your ancestors and mine are all that likely to have been courtly, or refined. Most of our ancestors were not like that. Most of us Westerners’ ancestors — those of us of European extraction, I mean — were drinking liquor all day long because the water was poisonous. They were dying at age thirty of …

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Thule Society Club Meeting in Shangri-La Next Tuesday (To Discuss the Akashik Records)

One of the things I haven’t mentioned much here, but which I suppose might be interesting, is the a fascination I have always had with the cheesy supernatural-conspiracy literature that has always (until I moved to Korea) been widely and cheaply available to me. I have never much been into things like those writings about The Illuminati, or the Masons, or the Rosicrucians; I’ve never cared much for anything in the style of JFK… but if you give me a Budd Hopkins book, or something by Whitley Strieber, or just about anything from Erich von Däniken — I know the …

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That’s Where Beck Got Them….

Those funky string lines, that is. What’s that song by Beck with the wonderful string lines, from I think it was the Sea Change album? Oh, yeah, “Paper Tiger”. Well, anyway, the bulk of the good stuff was stolen from Serge Gainsbourg’s Histoire de Melody Nelson. Maybe that’s credited somewhere. Actually, a little judicious Googling shows that Beck was pretty forward with the information, but still, it’s kind of a surprise and certainly, to me, a disappointment that so much of what I like about that particular song was simply a copy-and-paste job. Though, at least, it makes me think …

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