Get Them Where It Hurts

Marmot linked to More Kim hijinks, this time, supposedly, by a network of spies in South Korea. Maybe. If this is true. It wouldn’t surprise me much, but who knows… In other news, it may have been because of mistaken analysis assuming impending collapse that non-engagement with North Korea was the main US strategy. So I’m thinking I have it… the solution. Cut a deal with Hennessy cognac. Engineer something that will infect, and kill slowly — optimally, something as slow-acting as AIDS, but harder to detect, and engineered to survive transmission via alcohol, but to die if it’s out …

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Traffick — Korean sex trafficking in the American news

So the SF Gate (San Francisco, not science fiction) ran a four part-series on Korean-related sex-trafficking in America. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) and Marmot reports that some Korean-Americans are angry that, well, this doesn’t make Korea look good in the American media: Instead of educating Chronicle readers about the cultural background of South Korea, the world’s 10th largest economy, the “Diary” series dwells at length, and with questionable purpose, on the titillating details of one individual’s forced sex acts and non-typical family history. The Chronicle series includes many cultural inaccuracies and paints a distorted picture of …

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Anyone Know Anything About Ali Khan

I was emailed a link to a blog called Free Ali Khan, which is about a guy apparently in Daejon Prison. He was apprently tried yesterday and convicted, and from the descriptions of the trial, it all sounds sketchy. Like, beyond sketchy: someone confessed to the murder and exonerated the guy, after the trial, but the case hasn’t been reopened, says someone named Audrey in a discussion over at Flickr. Apparently, the theory is, if a mass of comments are collected on the site, there might be enough momentum to reopen the case. It sounds dubious to me, but commenting …

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Getting Easier

It’s getting easier, and I’m feeling less like hell after workouts now, though I’m sure my arms will be complaining soon… and my legs, tomorrow. Treadmill: 12.5 min @ 6.6km/hr (no breaks!); Stationary cycle: 10 min @ 20km/hr (no breaks!); Rowing 5 min @ who knows what (I got bored); some upper body weights. I’m shooting for 15 min each on the treadmill and cycle next week. Slowly will work my way up to 20 min over a few weeks.

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Dowland’s Death?

How the heck did John Dowland actually die? Does anyone out there in Internet-land know? I can’t find a snip of data on the web — and I spent an hour googling around for the info. The best I can find is the Dowland expert Diana Poulton suggesting he took ill in January 1626 and probably didn’t die until closer to the date of his burial in February 1626. The fact I am writing something (very vaguely) about Dowland should not surprise anyone looking in the sidebar. Though I hadn’t recalled Philip K. Dick being a fan, it makes sense, …

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