A discussion of the parallels between cybermob behaviours and the original mobs of Georgian London. The parallels are pretty profound, and maybe there’s some lessons to be learned from how all of this was dealt with the first time around.
Month: April 2016
Blogger’s Existential Crisis
Does that make it a Blogxistential Crisis? Er…
Martian Migraine’s Cthulhusattva ToC Announced!
So, the whole world is right now poring over reports of the biggest data leak yet to journalists (and rightly so, though, er, we’re not surprised by much of it, are we?), but I’ll go ahead and post this anyway: It looks like the word is out on the table of contents Martian Migraine’s forthcoming Cthulhusattva: Tales of the Black Gnosis. My story “ἱερὸς γάμος [Hieros Gamos]” is among those appearing in the book, hooray! The cover fits the book concept pretty perfectly, too: I’m thrilled: it took a while for ” “ἱερὸς γάμος” to find a home, but I’ll spare you …