Because the World Needs More Cheese…

… I’ve uploaded the uncut, massive single MP3 version (please right click and save the file, as it’s huge!) of the second-to-last musical performance I ever made in Saskatoon, back in 1998. My friend Mike invited me, my ex (the vocalist on the track), and two DJs I knew from high school (Phil Greer and Keenan Gauthier) to perform at what he was then calling “parties” (because, I think, “rave” was passé by then. We played a few gigs, and on the last one — just before I took off for Montreal in fall 1998 — Keenan got a buddy …

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Listen to My Compositions (If You Dare)

I’ve added some more recordings to the archive of all music I’ve participated in. The recordings that just became available to me are all from the period of 1995-96, which was my most prolific year of composing music during undergraduate music studies. There are five pieces: a bass clarinet duet, a piece for solo piano, a piece for electric guitar and harpsichord (with a title referring to the work of H.P. Lovecraft), and a couple of pieces for large ensemble. I’ll be working on getting more recordings of my work in the next year, but it’s come to my attention …

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eclexys » Tunes (with me in ‘em)

Seeing that Dabang Band CDs seem to be all sold out, and seeing that as far as I know, we have no outstanding legal responsibilities to Cavare (the label for the Product CD, who’s never disclosed how many CDs sold or how much money was made, or any other contractual stuff since the contracts were signed and disappeared) I’ve gone ahead and updated this site’s “Tunes (with me in ‘em)” subpage to include all tracks from the first two Dabang Band CDs. I’m going to confirm with the other band members and then if they’re okay with it, release it …

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Piles Of Free Music (Featuring Me)

Okay, for those of you interested, there’s a big old pile of snippets from my most recent musical history added to this site. In the sidebar, you can see the link under Pages that says, “Tunes (with me in ’em)”; if you click on it (or on this link), you’ll be taken to a page with one full out-of-print Dabang album, snippets from the still-in-print one, and a remixed recording of a live concert I did at a rave with a live ambient group back in 1998. If you plan on listening repeatedly, please download instead of streaming it, because …

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