Resolved… Baidu Blocked

Yeah, so: my hosting problems? It had nothing to do with my database. Nothing to do with my plugins, or anything else I was doing. (Okay, moving one little command in my config file a little higher up helped somewhat, but that wasn’t the main problem.) It had everything to do with bots needing to be blocked. Which, you know: you’d think that would be the first thing they’d suggest, since that’s nothing to do with WordPress and everything to do with spammer parasites attacking websites in general, right? I just wish someone had suggested it weeks ago, and saved …

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Gauging the Problem

I’m still having hosting problems, behind the curtain of this website. My latest last-ditch effort is to try a new theme, in the hope that maybe that will make some kind of difference. I won’t know till tomorrow, so I’m going to have to leave this set up like it is. If the site looks a little unfamiliar, or maybe a little awkward–like with those tiny featured-post image thumbnails that show up above my posts, which I’m not about to “regenerate” to the proper size unless I decide to keep the theme change permanently–well, I don’t know what to say …

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Sorted! (…I Think?)

So: if you’re like me, and you started your blog a long, long time ago, and you’re having trouble with CPU Minutes usage? Don’t do what I did. I did a million other things, including all the things my hosting company suggested. And then, at wit’s end, I noticed some php script being called by something in the database that shouldn’t be there. Plugin authors have gotten a lot better about this, but in the old days? They designed plugins that didn’t delete the stuff from the database that they created. Whole tables and tables of crap, just sitting there, …

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New Series Plugin

Well, earlier this month I noticed that my last WordPress update finally killed the functionality of the plugin I’d been using to arrange posts in series, and I resolved to find something else. I finally have, but it took me a good chunk of time getting the posts into the series (which means it’s pretty late at night, since we accompanied our friend Nick to a few places today as part of his birthday celebrations, most notably a visit up to the bar in the Bitexaco tower, which is this gigantic building a few blocks from our home with a …

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