Those reading along will note that I missed last week’s Ezra Pound post: I got busy, and am still working my way through the source text I want to discuss. To add to that, I’m currently traveling and though I’ve read and thought about Cantos XXXI-XXXIII, I won’t be able to post about them until sometime tomorrow or the next day. I don’t really have a lot to say about them at the moment, so maybe that’s a sign more thought is needed anyway. Anyway, more coming soon…
Tag: updates
The Beastie Has Landed…
I’m in Jakarta now, and in one piece — despite the insane, once-in-a-century once-in-seventy-years dump of snow we got on the departure day. It took three hours to get to the airport, instead of the usual one and a half, but the trip went well. More later…
Soon to Return to Perhaps More Programming than of Late
But not tonight. It’s my last night in St. Louis, and I’ll be catching a plane tomorrow. My cat-nap this afternoon means I’ll probably only sleep four hours tonight, but that’s cool. I need to get to the airport early anyway. Here’s hoping I get an emergency exit seat on the plane back to Korea. If not, I think I’m gonna lose it… My paper was fine, just too short a time to present enough of it; but I met some neat people and ate some good food. I think next time I’ll probably apply to a conference somewhere I’d …
Back to the…
Well, I can’t actually say it’s “back to the grind,” because, just like with different coffees, each semester is unique. I realize I haven’t posted in ages, and getting back into that habit will be particularly tough given how busy I’m going to be this semester. Not that my classload is particularly onerous: I have only one class focused on writing, and another class which will involve written homework with any regularity. The other two courses are more related to speaking and presenting and so on. This is a change of pace for me, since I prefer the content-related courses …
Things to Post About
Last night at the launch of the Seoul Science Fiction & Fantasy Library — an amazing project I’ll post about soon — the writer/translator Jeong So-Yeon reminded me that I hadn’t yet posted about our experience at SOAO Workshop up on Sobaeksan, which has prompted me to write this post of things I need to post about soon. Not all of them are related to SF in Korea, but a few are. The KASI/SOAO workshop on Sobaeksan The Seoul Seoul Science Fiction & Fantasy Library An article idea on the social economics of reputation and the translation of genre literature …