
During the past semester, I’ve been running classblogs for my writing classes. Here are my observations from this experience: It’s really hard to keep up with multiple classblogs. One should either (a) tell students from the start that it’s for practice and peer feedback, and that comments will be limited to encouragement but mainly on […]

Amusing Quote From a Speech Today

Today some of the students in my public speaking course made presentations. They’re technically “extended presentations” which means they ran from 7-10 minutes each. 4 people presented and we only managed 4 speeches plus some announcements by me at the beginning of class. (We’re supposed to fit in 11 more next class, plus a short […]

A New ESL/EFL Wiki

The indefatigable EFL Geek has started something new: an ESL & EFL Wiki. For those of you who don’t know what a Wiki is, the short version is that it is the most promiscuous of website forms. That means that just about anyone can edit it, contribute, and so on. What this means is that […]