I’m thinking I should start a reference page for all the Korean-SF goodness I’ve been coming across, and just link my post series from there. For those living in Seoul and interested in seeing SF films with other SF enthusiasts, editor/critic/translator Park Sang-Jun has teamed up with the proprietor of a newly-relocated cinema in Shinchon to put together Cinema Odyssey an SF & Fantasy film club that will meet periodically to view screenings of SF films. (That link is the Naver cafe, so you need to be logged into Naver to access it.) I met with Park on Friday just …
Month: September 2008
Done, Fun, Thinking Some
Aigo! It was a week ago tomorrow that I presented my paper at the 4th International Congress of Korean Studies. The experience was my first — I’d never presented anything at any sort of conference before — but I was told that nobody could have guessed it. I suppose being a windbag has its benefits, but people (the English-speaking audience members, at any rate) seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. No evisceration, no dismemberment, just a couple of questions for which there was no time to offer answers, because I was on a panel that was way …
Got a Copy?
UPDATE: I have a couple of copies coming in the post from the KH — thanks Matt — but if you have a clipping and you were saving it for me, don’t chuck it. I’ll take it from you next time we meet. Thanks! By the way, though I mentioned my essay in the Korea Herald yesterday, I didn’t manage to get a copy of the paper. (I had no chance to get off campus.) If anyone has a copy, I wouldn’t mind having a couple of copies of the clipping. If you have it, please do email me or …
The Irony of the Universe
So today, my essay on “Fending off Discontentment” is in the Korea Herald. It’s part three of a discussion that started on Tuesday here, and continued on Wednesday here. You can also read the essay online here. Roboseyo has posted a bunch of links to the original posts in the discussion, including the series of mine that led to this essay. Ironically, the dripping water in my closet has started again because the repairmen seemed to have gone to much greater trouble to re-wallpaper the closet than to prevent water leakage from repeating each time it rains. And since I …
Yaar, Free Booty
Shimmerzine did a pirate issue last year. Today’s Talk Like a Pirate Day. (Well, in US time it still is.) You can download a PDF of that issue of the magazine free here. Er, mates. It’s booty, it’s free. Go get it! And while you’re at it, pick up a copy of the current issue, which has a story by my excellent friend and, yes, classmate from Clarion West, Tinatsu Wallace. It’s been getting great reviews, and deservedly so… from what I remember of the first draft, anyway. (I just ordered my copy of the issue, so I haven’t seen …