Scripted… Now, About the Angle?

The ether is off somewhere feasting on the original version of this post, which was longer than this one will be. I won’t complain about it, since this very rarely happens to me, and the software I’m using is free, but it does explain why I’m being so terse in this post. (I’m going to just recap the highlights, and be a little more vague about everything,) First of all, I just finished the first draft of my script late Wednesday night (or, if you prefer, extremely early on Thursday morning.) That puts it at six days of drafting, three …

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The Music of Jo Hyeja: Accepted, World Premiere Upcoming!

So, I announced this news on Twitter and Facebook a little over a week ago, but didn’t get around to announcing it here. Our short film “The Music of Jo Hyeja” has been accepted for the Los Angeles HP Lovecraft Film Festival. It will be the film’s World Premiere, and as a Lovecraftian movie, it’s hard for me to imagine a better festival for it to premiere at! The website for tickets is here. I won’t be able to go, though Miss Jiwaku will be in attendance. The lineup looks interesting, as you can see from all the links from the …

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The Music of Jo Hyeja is a Go…

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series Making "The Music of Jo Hyeja"

Well, I claimed that I got a lot less done this past summer in terms of my writing than I’d hoped — since I’d been hoping to draft a novel — but in fact, I did pull off something in my writing that I’m very pleased with: a script for a short Korean film adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Music of Erich Zann.” I’ve reflected in the past on how challenging it is to adapt Lovecraft to a Korean setting, but it’s less so with a story like this one, since the horror is more simply existential; there is, of …

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HP Lovecraft and the (Monkey) Puzzle of the “Good Lovecraftian Film”

I was talking with my friend Chris about a bunch of SF- (and, to a lesser degree, fantasy-) -related things the other day — one of those discussions where you are trying to get at the heart of how we read genre and why, reader/viewer expectations for genre texts and media, and so on. One of the interesting points that came up was how it’s so difficult to make a good Lovecraftian film, and the fact that people keep trying and trying. This has stuck out in my mind as a question to myself, since for a few months now …

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My Korean Drama

Just a couple of posts ago I bragged about the Korean play I wrote, and which the teachers performed at camp the other day. Well, for those interested, here is the file. And I’ve written more about the play and how/why it was put together, over at the collective Let’s Learn Korean blog. UPDATE, 4th January 2006: I have fixed some of the typos and other mistakes caught by my co-worker Kathy, and so with great happiness I present the newly updated version of Nolbu and Heungbu and the Legened of the Magic Tractor.

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