If you tried to call me just now? I dropped my phone while answering your call, and it shut off (because the battery is needing to be replaced.) I have no record of your call. Just in case. Try me again.
Tag: silliness
Publishers Are a Cruel Lot
Here’s proof. John Scalzi missed may soon miss a deadline, and now the editor is planning on enforcing the term literally — dead-line — by inviting fans to plot the poor man’s death in exchange for a free ARC for the Subterranean Press limited edition of The Last Colony. (Which, no, is not a new book, but I’m sure it’s a lovely edition.) If you’re a cruel, sick person, you can join in on the festivities too. Details here. My entry? (Because, yes, I am cruel and sick.) Well, probably someone else has done one just like it — I’m …