Apex Story of the Year Poll — Last Weekend to Vote!

For those who read Apex this past year, but haven’t voted yet in the first annual Apex year’s best story poll: this weekend is your last chance to vote for whichever story you liked best. Which may or may not have been my short story, “Cai and Her Ten Thousand Husbands” but if it was, I sure appreciate your vote! (The full list of stories is here, in case you want to check out the rest…)

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Shine Competition

So did I mention there’s a competition you can take part in, for the upcoming SHINE anthology? The rules are here, and the prizes are here, and here are the excerpts you need to work with to play. If you are too lazy to click on the prizes, well, the top twenty (20!) entrants get a copy of the book and a T-shirt. But the top ten get one bottle from a wonderful selection of cognacs, whiskies, and wines. Jetse knows his hooch, so you definitely ant to enter. Go on! By the way, if I showed you the story, …

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Shine Acceptance

Well, way back when, Jetse de Vries (who, I’m pleased to see, makes me feel much better about my own lack of posting here — he hasn’t updated since summer!) announced he would be putting together a short-story collection titled Shine, featuring optimistic near-future SF. Of course, I immediately began working on something, and what do you know? When I met him this summer, he told me that he was taking the story I submitted to him. Between that and the bearhug he gave me on first meeting, Jetse made quite an impression on me, and it was a very …

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Publishers Are a Cruel Lot

Here’s proof. John Scalzi missed may soon miss a deadline, and now the editor is planning on enforcing the term literally — dead-line — by inviting fans to plot the poor man’s death in exchange for a free ARC for the Subterranean Press limited edition of The Last Colony. (Which, no, is not a new book, but I’m sure it’s a lovely edition.) If you’re a cruel, sick person, you can join in on the festivities too.  Details here. My entry? (Because, yes, I am cruel and sick.) Well, probably someone else has done one just like it — I’m …

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