Hooding a Yuan-Ti, Wandering 1930s Shanghai

Not interested in RPGs or specifically in comments on someone’s recent games? Yeah, you’ll want to skip this post.  Interested in and/or playing Trail of Cthulhu or D&D 5E? Though this post has no spoilers, it links places that has spoilers. This post should be fine, but watch those links.  (And unlike movie spoilers—which don’t bother me—I think game scenario spoilers can ruin an RPG session or campaign, so… you’ve been warned.) 

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Trail of Cthulhu: First Impressions & Campaign Journal

I had a chance to join an online game of Trail of Cthulhu (on the local Discord tabletop RPG server), and we had our first session last night. I though I’d record my thoughts here, and then follow up with a brief journal entry in-character. If you’re not interested in RPGs, you may want to skip this. If you are interested in RPGs, then your mileage with this post will vary depending on how experienced you are with Gumshoe, whether the spoilers in the campaign log will ruin anything for you. Beneath the cut, the post is marked up periodically to …

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Well Wrought – #RPGaDay 2017, Day 19

August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Which RPG features the best writing? Er, define best? Also, confession time.

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