Ze Art Off Traduction…

Earlier this semester, I noticed a senior student had signed up for an intro-level conversation course. I asked her what she was doing there, and she just kind of shrugged. When I told her that she and I both knew she didn’t need the course, she told me it was a requirement for graduation. Now, a sensible administration would provide a simple test for students to qualify for a waiver on this particular course… which by definition makes it impossible for us to have such a system, because our administration is useless and intractable. So I told her, point blank, …

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I’ve been dealing with a number of different fires that have broken out lately, including: myself, then Miss Jiwaku, being quite sick in the last week and a half the necessity of finalizing audio tracks for the film we’re making before next Friday (though the deadline was initially today, when I was still quite ill!) a medical emergency with a fellow expat coworker, and all kinds of organizational (re: his family) and workplace fallout for that. (For those who know Michael, his brother has posted an update on his Facebook Wall, which is where the link above leads.) helping a …

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By the Way

There’s one more little clause in my contract which I need to consider carefully when running this site… I am not allowed to disparage the Church of its teachings. I am assuming this means in-class, but given that my name, googled, leads directly to this site, it seems some of my rants on theology shall have to be assigned to the private section. (UPDATE: Not anymore! I’m free! Free! Hahahaha! Thus… this post is now public!) But for almost $200 a month more than I thought I would be making, and for approximately $800 a month more than I was …

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Big Move

Well, here’s the big news, for those of you who didn’t see a mass email from me: I have taken a department job over at Jeonju University. It begins at the end of August, so I will be on staff at Wonkwang until the mid-August holidays, and then I will begin over at Jeonju University at the end of August. For now, I’m just getting my head around the idea of the holidays I’ll be enjoying, and trying to make sure the paperwork gets done properly and quickly. It’s not a huge change, either financially or in terms of my …

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