Yes, it’s travel chaos. Let’s see: The Woori Bank network seems to be down again, and it’s Saturday in Korea now. I wonder if I’ll reach anyone if I call this time. Two times in a week is pretty pitiful, if you ask me. Ah well, I have enough money to get by until sometime tomorrow, if necessary. Exchanging email with Lime is good, and I’m happy even though I miss her dreadfully. While buying a nice espresso pot (for a quarter of the price they cost in Korea, and in a size bigger than I can get there), I …
Month: June 2004
People Far Away Now In My Faraway Neighborhood
Roganda asks: Who are the people in your neighborhood? The people that you meet each day? That is, 5 people who are neither friend nor family member, and whose name you may or may not know, but whom you see everyday or thereabouts, e.g. your paperboy, local bum, milkman, etc. This is especially tough since I can’t simply think about the people in my neighborhood as I encounter them, over the week, and prepare my answer. I need to think back over the the past few months and try to remember them all. This is especially hard as I’m sitting …
Lime’s screed…
a very brief post tonight. for those who can read Korean, Lime (my girl!) has posted a screed about America and the current, well, world situation. her page is here and THIS IS THE SCREED. from what i can understand it’s good. :) off to bed.
What Color Terrorist?
Brownish, it seems. At least, to John Ashcroft’s mind. Why else would he ignore white, right-wing terrorist threats? They’re not Islamic, is that it? And the Justice Department, meanwhile, thinks that Green and Animal-Rights Activists are the worst domestic terror threat… huh? And Ascroft subpoenaed what? Ah, yes: a few months ago he took the unprecedented step of subpoenaing the hospital records of women who have had late-term abortions. That’s exactly what needs doing when the nation’s mired in an an occupation of a foreign country which is going badly, and facing a campaign year. Now it’s back to abortion, …
Annie’s Wedding
Here I go with another rushed entry. I’m meeting my parents in about twenty minutes in the Eaton Center, hopefully successfully. Yesterday we were supposed to meet, both went to the right place, but missed one another somehow. Quite frustrating, and I got a weird feeling they didn’t believe I was there though I was, the whole damned time they were waiting for me. Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to write about. What I wanted to write about was my sister’s wedding. It was just lovely. Not lovely in the way some people mean about weddings, where the weather …