A Language Older Than Words, by Derrick Jensen. I have a hard time figuring out what to say about this book. If I’d read it when I was 20, I would have been all about the same things as Jensen, not because his message is immature or because I’ve “outgrown” some of the things he claims and believes, but simply because my particular experiences and beliefs suggest that some of his rage is misdirected, some of his conclusions are mistaken, and some of his indictments are too sweeping. The main thesis he offers is that Western Civilization is insane. If …
Month: May 2005
Old News About Andre Norton
Blog of Death had an entry in march for Andre Norton, who passed away earlier this year. I am a few months late, and have nothing much to add: I wasn’t a fan of her writing, personally, though I’d only tried a couple of novels at the time I decided that. But the woman did write a lot, and publish a lot, and she was a woman of SF, which get her kudos in my book.
Oh Give Me Interesting Enemies
This week’s Friday Five question comes from Mike, my neighbour and co-worker, who occasionally reads eclexys. Hi Mike! Here it is: If you were a superhero, what powers would your five worst super-villain enemies have? This isn’t such a hard question, since of course the powers that my enemies would have would be the worst, most annoying, obnoxious ones around: The Thumper’s power would be Instant Evangelical Conversion. All he would have to do would be to declaim Biblical verses in a praiseful voice, and anyone hearing him would be instantly (temporarily) swept away in an ecstatic religious frenzy, and …
Sick People
Well, here I am at home. Lime’s come over, and she has a nasty, nasty cough, and I finally convinced her to try my old remedy: inhaling steam from a hot bowl of water. Well, she convinced herself to do it this way: she put a green tea bag into it and informed me that the steam would be good for her skin. “IT’S GREEN TEA!” she declared from under the towel that was holding in all that good steam for her to inhale. Later, in a plaintive tone, “It’s like a sauna…” Skin aside, I’m hoping it also helps …
Not to complain… but…
Well, first there was that new round of tonsilitis. And then the foot injury that I got because of the other ootinjury I got, so that some tendon or something goes squish to the right every time I put weight on my right foot. Now that that hurts a little less, my back is killing me again. What the hell is that, the coda to the symphony or something? I’m annoyed. So, for now, more stretches and physio (which, at $3 a pop, is quite affordable here in Jeonju). And less updating my site. Sorry all. I’ll be back to …