Two things I’ve written. One you can read, one you can’t. Here’s the one you can: SF Signal’s Mind Meld for the week is about to-read piles, and I’m one of the people they invited to contribute/comment. See everyone’s to-read lists here. I should note that a number of the people who contributed are, in fact, in my extended to-read list. I’m just not getting more books for now till I’ve sorted what to do with the thousand or so I already have. The thing you can’t read, yet, is a ~5000 word story (it’s a few words short, but …
Month: January 2011
While I Work On Yet Another Broken Story…
… like the one I mentioned the other day, here are some not-broken stories for you to go and enjoy, one new and a few not-so-new, all by people I know personally and do crit with (or have done), but that’s not why I’m recommending them — I’m recommending them because they’re good: “As We Report to Gabriel” by Tina Connolly, in the current Fantasy Magazine — er, no, I can’t sum it up, so just go bask. “Superhero Girl” by Jessica Lee, in a Fantasy from about a year and a half ago. I don’t wanna spoil it but …
Another Broken Story
There are stories sometimes that feel perfect when you’ve finished them, but you discover they are not perfect. You may discover this on your own, reading over your handiwork the next day, or a week or a month later. Or it may be that a friend is needed to show you why you’re missing the big picture. (Even those authors who bash workshops and MFAs have people on their acknowledgement pages.) There are stories where you finish them, and you feel like they’re just absolutely right, and very little if anything will need changing. And then you show them to …
Symphony of Science
This is for you geeks out there who love Carl Sagan. (Found via a Youtube video somewhere on the blog of my crit groupmate/friend Chris Kammerud, whose blog I finally got around to trawling through for tasty links… of which there are a bunch, so it’s worth a visit; I guarantee that it will rather balance out the pretty negative view of Korea that seems to have accreted around my blog.)
Cooking with Pork
UPDATE (4 Jan 2010): Wow, color me embarrassed! Yeah, so… I actually wrote this on the afternoon of the 1st, and then schedule it for posting on the 2nd. Little did I know I would be food poisoned by the evening of the 1st, and spend the day of the 2nd in bed, with a fever, pain, and the worst digestive issues this side of hell. Ironically, it’s not any of the pork that made me sick, as far as I can tell, but some yogurt. That said, the chops (which never got marinated) have been put off till I …