The Music of Jo Hyeja Trailer

This entry is part 14 of 15 in the series Making "The Music of Jo Hyeja"

For those who were interested in our “The Music of Jo Hyeja” project, a trailer has just gone live on Here it is: If you like it, feel free to pop over to Youtube and give it a thumbs-up, a nice comment, or whatever. We have a lot more in store, so you might also want to subscribe to the channel. (Which may be familiar to some of you out there…) By the way, the official page for the film, and our little “production company,” is over here. You can see our previous project there as well.

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Catching Up…

I’ve been quiet here, in part because I’ve been writing my ass off for the Clarion West Write-a-thon, to raise money for the Clarion West Workshop in Seattle. Now, if you remember my original post on the subject, I noted that the Write-a-thon, as usual, started around what is, for me, about the busiest time of the semester. The fact that last semester was busier than most just compounded the problem–as did a few unholy messes that needed tidying, like a student whose missing final projects in two courses ended up bringing me to the office multiple times to fill …

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