I’ve always wondered why people were so fascinated by stories of cowboys in space. For me, it’s always been a non-starter. Granted, maybe I’d like these stories better if I liked the characters and writing better, but the widespread for Firefly kind of baffles me, though of course we could chalk it up to different tastes with the writing, or my lack of fannish devotion to Joss Whedon. Lately, though, I’ve been trying to think in terms of why things do or don’t appeal to me… to figure out my own tastes, as it were. After all, I’ve liked very few …
Tag: aesthetics
What We Talk About When We Talk About Music: Part 3 — Hybridity
This post is part of a series. Since the posts build upon one another successively, I suggest you start with the first post in the series. Last time, in Part 2 of this series, I talked about “ear training” and the skills that are required by certain kinds of music if one is to listen to them competently–the requirement of a degree of work, a degree of slogging up a learning curve to grasp those kinds of music. The parallel for my overarching analogy of those mostly eat TV dinners and junk food on the one hand, and the self-described …
What We Talk About When We Talk About Music: Part 2 — Ear Training
This post is part of a series. Since the posts build upon one another successively, I suggest you start with the first post in the series. Right, so last time, I drew a parallel between my view of music in the modern industrialized world, and the way “foodies” think of food in that same setting: namely, as something that has been essentially debased for expediency of production by large corporations, in the name of profit. But I’m sure those who aren’t feeling deeply insulted by this still have some sort of question in their minds about what it is I …
What We Talk About When We Talk About Music: Part 1 — Background, Caveats, and an Analogy to Consider
I’ve been working for about a week now to put together a blog post that simply isn’t working. Like a story built to fail, the damned thing just is not cohering, no matter what i do: it veers off the road, it catches on fire, and when I put out the fire, the engine won’t turn over. So I’ve decided to break it down into pieces. Maybe. It depends whether that is still necessary at the end of this thing I’m writing now. It’s hard because, frankly, I think that what we conventionally include in the category of music includes …
Elites, Expertise, and Aesthetics… and more
I’ve finally posted a response in the ongoing discussion Marvin and I are having about elites, rules and play, and aesthetics over at The New Sophists’ Almanac. Damn, I should post there more often, I kept him waiting a long time, and I think I even clarified a few questions I’ve been puzzling over about other things. If you have comments about the new post, please post them there. Really, all in all, it’s be going back to asking whether we can in any way acknowledge expertise on the part of connoisseurs, and whether ignorant reactions to art (or anything …