Interview by Tate

I only vaguely remember answering  these questions, for good reason: Tate’s ESL Travel Chronicle interviewed me last year but I must have missed when the interview was posted. Here it is, for the  curious. (Funny reading this, now that I’m no longer in Korea.) Since it’s mainly about my life in Korea, and not about my writing, I’m just posting it to the blog, and not to the interviews section of this… wait, that’s gone missing. Er… well, anyway.

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The William G! He Interviewed Me

Yes, the comics artist (and occasional commenter here) William George briefly interviewed me for his blog, on writing, SF, and ideas. Check out the interview over at Dimes for Nickels! (And while you’re there, check out Yes You Can! (which starts here), his bizarre, fun fantasy webcomic featuring a mage-girl named Black Berry (duh!) Cherry Berry. (Though I love the name Black Berry…)

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The Meteoric Rise and… Disappearance… of Patricia Anthony

So, Patricia Anthony was one of the biggest rising stars of 90s SF, it seems. Rave reviews, blurbs as well as longer commentaries, and a strong oeuvre of books from the looks of it. I’ve just been getting into her again, or, well, that’s what I shall call it anyway. (I ordered what books of hers I didn’t have on hand, and have been reading Conscience of the Beagle — which is a weird experience because I read, I think, a third of it ten years or more ago, and remember bits, but only bits.) My attention turned to Anthony …

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Two interviews with me have recently been published in Korea, both of them quite long. They may be of interest to anyone curious about stuff like what it’s like to be an expat writing SF, my personal thoughts on Korean SF and the Korean SF scene, and so on. The first interview was conducted and translated by my friend Hong Insu, a translator (he did part of The Hard SF Renaissance) and prominent Korean SF fan, now missed by many (as he is in grad school in Arizona). The interview appears in a “mook” — apparently this is some kind …

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Two Interviews

Here are two interviews worth looking at: Arafat Kazi talks to the inimitable Paolo Bacigalupi, and Avi Solomon interviews the brilliant Ted Chiang. Both of these interviews deal with their most recent works, neither of which I’ve read yet but Bacigalupi’s novel is high in my pile of books to get to, and Chiang’s is in my list of books to get, period.

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