Daerijeon Soundtrack–Insight Strikes!

So, I had a realization the other day, while trying to wrap my brain around this project I’m working on. Essentially, the insight came in two steps. I was talking to my wife about creative ways to get around the fact we’re missing clips and video content that was originally mandated in the screenplay for our current film project. One of the points I made was that, since we cannot reshoot anything, it’s up to us to think creatively about how to rework the script to tell the story, while taking up the challenge of turning the missing pieces into …

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Akai EWI 5000 announced

UPDATE (25 Jan 2014): Video of the thing in action. Doesn’t reveal much, but I’ve added it anyway: Original Post: I plan on getting back to my promised post about Korean education, but this news deserves a little post, so: Although I have a Yamaha WX5 waiting for me in Seoul, my newest piece of musical kit is an Akai MPKmini, which I picked up to help me get some soundtrack work done for Mrs. Jiwaku’s latest ongoing film project. It’s an SF film, so a spacey, electronics-heavy soundtrack is needed, and the MPKmini is cheap, portable, and versatile enough …

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Eine Kleine Zombiemusik

I’ve just put the finishing touches on the music for Mrs. Jiwaku’s third short film, a zombie movie. Over the course of the project (developing the music, I mean) I’ve posted in-progress clips to Soundcloud, but now I’ve got the final, tidied-up and cleaner tracks up. They are, for the moment, downloadable–in part because Mrs. Jiwaku will need to download them. They are quite loud, by the way: I de-normalized the output because it seems to fit the aggressive sound we need, especially in the non-autonormalized version of Track #3. Just a warning, for those listening on headphones or about …

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The Music of Jo Hyeja: Done!

This entry is part 11 of 15 in the series Making "The Music of Jo Hyeja"

I was so busy last week, I forgot to mention: The Music of Jo Hyeja is finished, finished, finished. Well, sort of. The film itself is finished, and could be screened tomorrow, as it stands. Of course, we still need to make a trailer, and a poster, but the film was finished in time for us to send it out to one film festival (so far, with more to come). I need to research the deadlines for some others, as we may as well submit to as many as possible, and there are a number it’s suitable for. The interesting …

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The Music of Jo Hyeja — “Music” Finished, Sort Of

This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series Making "The Music of Jo Hyeja"

The last mention I made of this project was to note that we’d done some recording with the haegeum player from the band 잠비나이 for the soundtrack. Since then, I’ve been off and on constructing music tracks from samples — both of the haegeum, and of other sounds I collected over a 48 hour period: water going down a drainpipe, the hum of car engines, growling, and so on. As of right now, my work on the audio is done except for one step: the audio post-production work, which we’re scheduled to do on Friday at a studio. (I’ll have …

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