이 CD를 듣었어요? 토요일 밤에, 공연 했고 우리 (서울 밴드 Plastic People의) 친구 김민규씨랑 작은 술집에갔어요. 밴드 같이 갔어요, 하지만 친구 이야기 했어서 나는 늦 왔어요. 그래서 밴드와 친구 술집에 만았어요? �n은 술집? 이름은 “술”인야고. 이 작은 술집 너무 좋았어요… 스타이을도 음악이 너무 좋아 했어요!!! 아줌마도 아저씨도 마났어요. 감자기 아주마는 노래 하는것 시작했고 너무 슬픈 […]

Why Blog?

One of my friends recently asked me that question: Why blog? My response was pretty long, and pretty rambling… but it can be boiled down to the following, which I suppose is a kind of mission statement or even a Blogger’s Manifesto. The following is therefore my, well, whatever it is… Mission Statement or Blogger’s […]

Last Night…

Last night we played one of the best shows I can remember in a long time. I don’t know why for certain, but I think it was partly because we were all a little bit in the mindset that everything was relaxed and cool. Most of the audience was people that someone in the band […]

Tracks and Tracks

Right, I’ve made a huge addition to the list of sample tracks up for all kinds of music and musicians that I’m usually going on about to my friends. You can see this massive list in the left sidebar on this page, if you scroll down a little bit. The tracks are not all necessarily […]