Trope Salad and Penis Guns and Indie SF Films… No, Really.

This entry is part 13 of 72 in the series SF in South Korea

There it is. I hereby coin it. I googled it, and found only this, and that’s an email address for which even the cached page it was contained on was somehow empty. So Trope Salad is mine. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “You can have it. But what does it mean?” What it means is that I am trying to have fun while working on an academic paper. Always a dangerous route. What it signifies is the phenomenon wherein someone who knows absolutely jack squat about SF, or seems to know jack squat, treats it as a kind of …

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The Beach

No, not the film with Dicaprio. I went to the beach a week ago with this couple I hang out with, Gwen and Mike. Good times. You might remember my mentioning a sunburn? That’s how I got it. (And I was under the beach umbrella almost the whole time! (Except when shooting these photos!) Anyway, some of my pictures actually turned out nicely, so it’s okay… The flickr set is here. UPDATE: Oh yeah, one more oddity people outside Korean will find interesting: the beach was essentially empty. And a week before, it had been crammed with people. For some …

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Bwi~! and Buyeo Wives, &c.

That’s a word I think I made up myself, in Korean. At least, I’ve never heard anyone else say it, though Lime told me it sounds like the mopey protestation of a five-year-old. 븨~! This word is occasioned because my Sado Seja story did not make it into the Datlow/Mamatas anthology Haunted Legends. I’m sure competition was fierce, though, and they’re good editors. If only Nick had had the time to savage the story, I’d have learned a lot, I imagine. (But who has time?) Anyway, I’m going to do what I often don’t do… send the story out immediately. …

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Bye, Yves

I don’t know my realtives on the French-Canadian side of my family too well, but I know that it’s been a hard few years. The uncle who used to chase us around the house hollering mock-threateningly (with a huge smile on his face) that he was the Cookie Monster and he was going to eat us up, he passed on not so long ago. (It feels like a little while ago.) And I just go the eulogy for my uncle Yves by email from my cousin Carlo. Liver cancer, sudden, unexpected. He passed away about a week and a half …

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