So, today I gave the grätzer/grodzisky style another go. Well, some might correct me by noting it’s my first go in earnest: the last time I made this kind of beer, I used wheat smoked with hickory and other stuff, and it came out tasting more like bacon than anything else. Today’s grätzer was 100% wheat, cool-smoked with Korean oak chunks for hours and hours at a time. The malt was extremely smoky, and was only smoked approximately a week before the brewday. I used 3.3 kilograms of wheat, which makes for 23L of wort at 1.035, though I suspect my …
Month: July 2012
The Cure for the Monday Blues…
Sometimes, reading the Korea Times is exactly like reading The Onion. This opinion piece, for example, suggests that the way to stop hating Monday mornings is simple… … don’t take weekends off. I bet his boss loves him… and wonder if anyone else in his life (wife? kids?) even recognize his face. I’ve met a number of older guys who discovered for themselves the wages of this kind of work schedule. It’s not pretty. And they never seem to pass on the lesson… or maybe younger guys just don’t listen, because they aren’t sure whether to take any advice seriously …
Ezra Pound Posts Delayed
Those reading along will note that I missed last week’s Ezra Pound post: I got busy, and am still working my way through the source text I want to discuss. To add to that, I’m currently traveling and though I’ve read and thought about Cantos XXXI-XXXIII, I won’t be able to post about them until sometime tomorrow or the next day. I don’t really have a lot to say about them at the moment, so maybe that’s a sign more thought is needed anyway. Anyway, more coming soon…
Korean “Disaster” Films: 연가시 / Deranged
I guess I blinked a week or two ago, as I missed Cabin in the Woods’ very brief release in Korea. This suggests it was a probably a good film, since good films here are rarely shown more than a week. Resignedly, Miss Jiwaku and I schlepped it down to the local cinema to watch 연가시 (apparently known in English as Deranged, which is not the best title choice, but then, it’s not the best movie so I don’t think the foreign title’s a problem). Deranged is, just barely, Korean science fiction, so I figured I’d give it a review here. In …
What I Wanna Do With Cthulhu… And Lovecraft’s Mythos More Generally
Ever since writing the script for “The Music of Jo Hyeja” I’ve been caught up in a welter of Lovecraftian writing: revising an old story that I realized worked better as a Lovecraftian tale, drafting others, and playing with ideas for a feature-length film Lovecraftian screenplay set in South Korea. I certainly don’t want to get stuck in this mode: I have my own stories to tell, my own worlds to create. But the Lovecraft thing has been crawling around in my unconscious for a while now, and it’s infested a lot of what I’m working on, and I figure, …