I have gotten so much done in the last couple of weeks that it simply isn’t funny: the semi-final draft of an article with a swiftly approaching deadline the final draft of a new short story submitted to Bibliotheca Fantastica a revision of the subtitles for our film, “The Music of Jo Hyeja” But there’s a lot left to do too, especially grading. owever, I’m tempted to take tommorrow off just for housecleaning and reading a novel, some novel, any novel, along with one nonfiction book on Pound; I never get enough reading done during semesters, and I’m eager to …
Month: March 2012
The Music of Jo Hyeja: Done!

I was so busy last week, I forgot to mention: The Music of Jo Hyeja is finished, finished, finished. Well, sort of. The film itself is finished, and could be screened tomorrow, as it stands. Of course, we still need to make a trailer, and a poster, but the film was finished in time for us to send it out to one film festival (so far, with more to come). I need to research the deadlines for some others, as we may as well submit to as many as possible, and there are a number it’s suitable for. The interesting …
Ze Art Off Traduction…
Earlier this semester, I noticed a senior student had signed up for an intro-level conversation course. I asked her what she was doing there, and she just kind of shrugged. When I told her that she and I both knew she didn’t need the course, she told me it was a requirement for graduation. Now, a sensible administration would provide a simple test for students to qualify for a waiver on this particular course… which by definition makes it impossible for us to have such a system, because our administration is useless and intractable. So I told her, point blank, …
Blogging Pound’s The Cantos: Canto V

This post is one in a series of readings I’m posting of each poem in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos, one by one (so far — I may deal with a few at a time on occasion). They are not exactly typical readings of the poems, so much as readings I’m doing with a specific research project in mind — how to write Ezra Pound as a figure in a novel in which modernist artists, poets, and musicians secretly waged an occult war in the earlier half of the 20th century. If you’d like to know more about the project, I …
80L Brewday…
For the last couple of weekends, The Magpie Brewing Company (with the support of Homebrew Korea and the inimitable Bill Miller) has hosted some 80L brewdays. The idea is: you take four homebrewers, get them together, and host a brewday at their brewing space, which has the equipment for you to brew up to 80L (or more?) of beer at one time. Since there’s four brewers, you can split the wort 4 ways, have them each pitch their own yeast into the beer, and then you end up (after four such brewdays) with 320L of beer, split into 16 different …